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Old 03-14-2013, 06:12 PM   #28
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Re: Bike won't start

Glad it's working but just another word. WD40 may have worked but it's not recommended for that. It is not an electrical contact cleaner and will leave a residue on the surface when it dries and may not prevent your problem from recurring when you least expect it. Get some electrical contact cleaner and work the switch on and off numerous times to really clean of the innards of that switch. You may need that stuff for other uses on the bike and around the house anyway in the future so it's not a bad thing to have around.
Check the battery voltage at rest anyway, then start it up and rev it to 2500-3500 rpms at least (estimate by ear, just rev it up) and measure the voltage. If the battery is OK you should get 12.6-12.8 V at rest if it's fully charged, and 13.5-14.5 V revved up if the charging system is working OK. There is no significant, if any, charging at idle, it has to be revved up. Best way to charge the battery is to ride it for at least a half hour.
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