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Old 02-05-2013, 03:40 AM   #10
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Suzuki M50 Boulevard

Originally Posted by HumbleNewRider
Thanks guys! I did visit the M50 forum... and the advertisements are fine, since there is good content. And, I didn't see forum members posting ads within the message discussions (which was frequent and blatant on several other forums). I read thru a lot of the M50 postings last night.

But, I could only fine one posting about the drive shaft lube problem. It had good photos. But, I didn't see anything about how to correct it. Maybe there isn't anything that can be done so the drive shaft stays lubricated. Maybe you just have to periodically re-grease it (sort of like repacking wheel bearing on older vehicles). Which probably isn't any more of big deal than changing spark plugs, brakes, etc. I wasn't clear what interval was appropriate.

WaterWarrior --Lynda's bike is essentially the same one (color) that I have. I do want to upgrade my seat, as well as add a crash bar and quick release windshield. I like the larger crash bar like Lynda's bike has. I've tipped over my 600 shadow a couple times in the garage / drive way. Those sure saved a lot of broken signal lights, etc. --- and made it a lot easier to lift back up. Most of my riding will be relatively short local trips. And, here in Texas feeling the wind in summer is good! That's why I want a quick release windshield. Sometime this week I'm going to move the head light modulator from the GZ250 to the M50.

I read about a DJ Drive conversion. Which got me wondering if maybe I would want to do that. But, it sounded like one more distraction / time consuming project. Thanks for the tip to just leave the M50 stock (except for comfort/safety upgrades). I appreciate that kind of experienced advice. I'll forget about the DJ drive and just focus on the comfort upgrades.

My service manual is scheduled to arrive on Thursday, so, I'll be able to start learning more about it.

Do either of you have saddlebags for your Suzukis? (It looks like Lynda's bike only has a large tank bag.) I'll probably add a sissy bar - and was thinking about getting one of the "suitcase" type bags that sits on the pillon seat and straps to the sissy bar. Not sure I need the saddlebags, since I won't be doing a lot of long distance rides. But, I saw an EasyBracket adapter that looked like a good option if saddlebags were only going to be use occasionally.
Humble, did you look in the How To's for the drive shaft lube procedure? You will need one seal I think and some grease that is at least 60 % moly. Frequency of the lube job is up to you. Get a general ballpark number of miles from the forum members and then decide for yourself.
Crash bars on Lynda's bike are from MC Enterprises. And yes they work well. I managed to drop the bike 2 times in one oil change with no damage.
Bags are up to the individual too. Lynda opted for expandable textile bags from Nelson-Rigg. You may want leather but I like the knooks and pockets that N-R designs into their bags and top case. Lifetime warranty too. Check out Cortech for more textile bags. Bags are nice for a rain suit, change of clothing and all sorts of stuff you will find yourself wanting to take for a ride. Easy brackets are not needed with the bags on her bike. They strap down safely and do not interfer with the wheel and such.
No long trips?? Wait til you find out how well the bike travels down the road and just hums along with a slight crackle from the pipes when you apply more throttle. It is a nice civilized sound without being noisy. I really like it that way.

The DJ drive is a drive unit from a bigger displacement Suzuki and offers lower RPM. Personally I would never bother. A lot of the guys do the conversion to lower the RPM and lope along like a H-D at low revs. They don't get it that Suzuki made that 800 V-twin to spin up quite a bit without any wear or damage long term. I like the power and torque in the "M" as it is with stock gearing. I've ridden the bike in city and highway situations and it fits beautifully powerwise for me. The bike will putt along at 50 mph or you can slowly twist the throttle and top a steep grade at 2 times that speed. It will move if you ask it.

I think I have a pic of the bike fully packed.
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