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Old 12-14-2012, 12:13 AM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 58
Re: Didint relise ATGATT ment everytime you start the bike.

Forecast tomorrow, Sun. Lots of it. If its anything like the last few days, itll be a stinker too.
Got a guy I met through work, known him for a number of years but only recently learnt he rides a GSX1100, going to call me in the morning if he can make it for the ride. Got a council inspection on his site in the morning though, not sure what time it is.

I havent been to the South Island in ~15 years. And I was fairly young and stuck in the back of a van from Picton to Christchurch.
A south Island trip is a definate posiblity for christmas/early next year. Got a few months off work, so might as well travel around on the bike. If I have enough money left after the service I want to give her.... lol.

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