Re: Didint relise ATGATT ment everytime you start the bike.
A 400 km(250mile) ride is a fair distance. The bike probably hasn't been out too many times for that distance. Just make sure you don't become another of the season's first victims. When I lived on the Canadian prairies the Winters were long and cage drivers forgot about bikes and stopped looking for them. Come Spring the first few riders out on the street were cut down as nobody was looking for a smaller vehicle than a cage. Some of the riders were at fault too of course. They hit the streets without a little fine tuning of their skills and made real stupid mistakes. A good friend of mine did that very thing. 30 minutes into his first ride some one yelled do a wheelie and so he did. He came down real hard and spent the next 18 months on crutches. He was an incredible rider with the balance of a cat but a winter lay-off was his undoing.