Originally Posted by superman566289
does any one in houston have a chain installation tool that i can rent from you guys? or does anyone know where i can rent one? the nearest shop to me is about 5 miles and i dont know any one that has a truck that i can use to take it to a shop and have them rivet it my only choice is to push the bike all the way to the shop can any one help please?
Me personally don't bother with riveted links IMO. Yes a riveted link will never fall off, however with a few safeguards a clip style link will serve you just as well without issues. After you properly install the retaining clip (
with the open end of the clip facing OPPOSITE the direction of chain travel !!! clean the link with carb cleaner, and then smear some Permatex RTV silicone over the clip. This will completely prevent the clip from possibly becoming dislodged.