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Old 10-30-2012, 01:31 AM   #20
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Posts: 177
Re: Snapped Timing Chain

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
WHAT is a good question. I would think you found an example of metal fatigue in one gear out of tens of thousands worldwide made for the GZ top end. Chance of this happening again are probably next to nil in the future for you and many other riders. It is unfortunate the gear broke but you were able to fix the engine using knowledge gained over the years. Many of us, including myself, would have been at the mercy of a dealer for repairs.

When I tore mine apart, I noticed that a couple of bolts (especially one of the two that hold the gear to the cam assembly) were a bit loose, and from what I could see had NO LocTite or similar product ever applied to it. All it would take is even a miniscule amount of excess vibration to loosen the bolt to the point where it would eventually wear (or bend) the lock plate; once the bolt works loose the other would loosen. Once loosened it would hit the side of the head and the pulley would be hit. That's not what happened to mine, but I could see it happen at some point way in the future, depending on miles driven and how you drive it.

If my typing seems like I'm falling asleep it's because I am. I just sat at the hospital for 1 1/2 days waiting for my grandson (the first) to come into this world. Ten lbs (screw the metrics!) one oz and about 2 feet long!
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