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Old 10-08-2012, 04:11 AM   #3
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Originally Posted by BonChaton
7) I can get it to roll start if I get it rolling pretty good, (
Just a thought - clutching at straws, really - but it occurs to me that by rolling it, the engine is causing suction to open the petcock. Have you tried starting it in "pri"? If it starts, then you have a problem with the rubber pipes to the petcock. As to your suggestion about the ignition circuit, it's got me really stumped. Could be, but it sounds unlikely. However - stranger things have happened. :??: It really sounds more of a fuel problem than electrical. As a general rule of thumb, if it's an electrical thing, the bike will either run or not. A fuel fault will cause rough running. Carb cleaning is not my area of expertise, so perhaps someone could come in at this point, to explain if there's any more bits of the carb that you should check.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.

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