Thread: excessive noise
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:36 PM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: warrensburg ny
Posts: 10
Re: excessive noise

As you said, noise means differert things to different people but to me it means loose tollerances . My main beef is the clutch rattle. As I said I have had many older well used hondas and the 4 cylinder models were the worst offenders. Pull the lever in and it goes away pure and simple. I just dont understand why a bike with 9 thousand miles on it shuold like that . My neighbor has an 88 GN250 with about the same mileage and it also does it thats why I asked if its a common thing. Once again when they both are fully warmed up it pretty much subsides. As for the oil, when I got it 300 miles ago it was fresh. Now not knowing for sure just what oil was used I changed it to Mobil 1 Vtwin synthetic and it shifts smoother but the cold clutch noise is still there. I was once riding at the Americade in Lake George NY with 3 other harley riders and I was on a 76 BMW R/60. Sheriffs pull us over and go to everyone individually and have them start the bikes. Well 2 guys get paper for loud mufflers and when the deputy comes to me and tells me to start mine I tell him " Its Running" . He couldn't believe it. Neither could anyone else that heard that thing run. That was a sweet engine.

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