excessive noise
OK Lads here goes my 1st post. I seems to me that I have seen a few coments on noisy engines and I would also like to add mine to the list. When the bike is cold or even half warm, it is the noisiest engine I have ever owned. ( except for my 1950 Harley ) Its a 99 with 9,000 Miles on it. Its in pretty much pristine shape and I can only guess the previous owner (s) must have taken as good care with the mechanics as the outside. The one thing I have noticed is when the clutch is pulled in that a lot of the noise goes away . Now I have had countless Japanese motorcycles over the years and most do have some degree of clutch rattle which goes away when the lever is pulled but none as noisy a this. However it does quiet down when the engine reaches full warm up temp. Is this a common trait of this machine?. I also wonder if the fact that its a single would have some bearing on it. Thanks for any responses.
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