Thread: Top Speed Woes
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Old 09-20-2012, 05:07 PM   #9
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Moorpark, Ventura Co, California
Posts: 8
Re: Top Speed Woes

Thanks to all for reminding me about the break-in period. Somehow, I wasn't thinking of this '09 model as a "new" bike, but in terms of miles . . . it is! I'll schedule some easy rides through the lemon groves this weekend. Right after I change the oil. In general I'm a bit leery of snake oil . . . um, Seafoam, that is . . . but I guess it can't hurt. Just this once, I'll make an exception.

It's good to know there's a mod I can do if need be. I hear it's a real chore getting the air/fuel mixture right across the entire throttle range after a jet mod. I really prefer to benefit from the long hours of work the good Suzuki engineers spent on the issue. But if, after break-in, she still won't go on the freeway, I can see a jetting project in my future. Best to begin with a mod that's been worked out before.

"pilot 3 turns
main jet 140
needle mod

I presume "Needle mod" refer to shimming with a washer as described in the " Needle shim modification" thread. And does "16T" refer to a 15 to 16 tooth front sprocket modification. It all sounds easy enough. Thanks for that.

About how much additional difference did opening up the air filter make after rejetting?
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