Thread: Top Speed Woes
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Old 09-19-2012, 06:21 AM   #2
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Re: Top Speed Woes

Originally Posted by Wekadog

Where would a person begin to look in a case where there's not a "failure" behind the problem?
On the shelves of the store that sells carb cleaner (seafoam etc) Try running a coupla tankfuls, & see if that helps. Don't forget that the engine is still running in, and may be tight for a few hundred miles yet. You should be going at no more than ½ throttle for the first 500 miles (from new), then no more than ¾ throttle for the next 500 miles. I've had mine for over 5 years, & it runs fine, but until the engine loosened up, it ran like shit. When I first came across this site, & learned about the need for carb cleaner in the fuel, from the first tankful (with a fully run in engine) the bike ran 100% better. Much smoother. :2tup:
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