Was riding and heard a ping then bike just died......
Was getting ready to head to the store and about 1/2 mile from home, I heard a ping or zing (definitely metal sounding) and the engine just quit. After I coasted over to the side of the road (clutch in) I hit the starter and the engine sounded normal during a quick 1 - 11/2 second hit on the starter but since I was concerned I didn't go any further. Got the bike home, removed the tank and plug. I am starting to remove the valve covers but wanted to see if I could get some input here on what to look for.
The bike is a 2009 w/ ~12k and I do not think the valves have been checked but I do keep up with general maintenance - oil/filter, chain, air filter and lubrication.
I had no previous issues with the bike, always started right up, no issues with power output or maintaining speed during normal usage.
When I hit the starter after it quit I did not hear anything other than the engine turning over. Any suggestions where I might find some tell tale clues as to what the problem might be?
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