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Old 08-28-2012, 01:08 PM   #47
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: wenatchee
Posts: 98
Re: Thinking about life after GZ..already..

Yah I wont do it yet probably next season and hopefully I can find the right one I can afford..Insidentally my next door neighbor is selling his 2007 yamaha vstar custom 650 with 3200 miles only and he said he will give it to me for 3500 so now I got to thinking maybe that would be a better upgrade for me??its a nice bike too..
Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Originally Posted by vikz250
I saw this one and talked to the seller, now if I can just get financed by my bank and get an affordable monthly then i will be a very happy man!!
Nice looking bike. 2 things I feel that might help/hinder your decision. Firstly is "Affordable monthly" payment. If you have to stretch the budget then you can't afford it. When all the needed costs of living are easily satisfied then consider financing.........not until then. Better yet is when all the needed costs of living are satified then save the extra and pay cash for your next luxury purchase. That way you can afford to maintain the toys and insure them properly.
Yeah, I'm an old guy and learned these things the hard way. I know what it is like to be younger and have all the wants and needs of youth. Maybe just go for it and see what happens in the future. Experience is the best teacher and we only go around once in this lifetime.
Second point, however minor, the 883 is not really a touring bike. The bags will be handy for shopping and hauling stuff. Brain fart here. The GZ is not really a touring bike either but it does serve the purpose when asked. Don't listen to me, buy the bike and have fun. I'll shut up now.
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