Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by Water Warrior
I know for a fact I will have trouble learning to speak and hear Irish. I have a terrible time catching on to different accents. I suppose that goes 2 ways. The Irish folks may not understand me either.
Do you have skype, and a camera, on your computer? I use it regularly (it's free on windows). I'd love to let you (or any other members) have a chat & hear a real Yorkshire accent. 
Thanks for the offer Alantf but I have none of the above to make an actual conversation possible. I did have a chuckle at my own expense in 2001 when when going to Newfoundland on a ferry. I started talking to a Newfie. We more or less talked for 90 minutes and I sort of caught on to his accent the last 15 minutes or so.
Two days later I was standing on the shore at the most Eastern part of Newfoundland and the Noth American continent. The Atlantic ocean even looked different than the Pacific. Colder and a little angry would describe it best. That was quite a jorney for a prairie boy.
So far I have been to the most Southern, Western and Eastern points in Canada. The most Northern point is not likely to happen unless I win a lottery.
Also the geographical center of North America. And the geographical center of Canada. Dang, I guess I have been around a bit haven't I.
I used to have a lot of pics but as they say "Three moves are as good as a fire." Digital is much handier when moving.