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Old 08-24-2012, 05:44 AM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 58
Re: So I woke the beast from her slumber....

So I got the pig back from the shop today, after it being there for a week. They rang me on wedness day to say I could pick it up, but I wasnt able to get down there untill today.
When I picked it up, he told me the carbi manifold needs replacing, and they would have to order one. So instead of telling me at the start of the week that it needs replacing, they wait untill I pick it up, and have no options to get back other then ride the bike (my ride down there had already gone). So now I have to strip the bike down anyway, because stuff sending it back and paying another $80/hr for labour. They didnt even fix the oil leaks, they just cleaned it up, and tightened the bolts. Still leaking. I sent it down there because I didnt have time to do it my self, and now its actually running worse... and they didnt do anything. And still charged me $300. Surves me right for trusting a mechanic. Being raised by one, I should have known better I suppose. </rant>

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