Originally Posted by fatoldfool
I will bet if you have not done that, you have never had a bike! I had a friend who hit the kill button on his 350 Honda going to work one morning..Left the bike beside the road in the papermill and it got splashed with wet lime....lucky he noticed the kill button first thing that evening.....
Hey WW, I lost a collarbone, a good amount of skin and some blood to a Water Buffalo!!! It was a BEAST in its day!
I would love to have another one just to be different. I always liked the sound and the way it would rev up. Mine was one of the last ones made so it had the latest styling for the Pumper series. Gotta love the smell of 2 stroke oil in the morning.
The only real flaws in the bike were 3 sets of points and condensers which could be cured with aftermarket transister stuff and a plastic water pump impeller that was replaceable with a metal one.