So I woke the beast from her slumber....
Nearly 2 months ago I parked the GZ up untill I had time/money to fix many small issues I have been ignoring for some time now. 2 months later, I still had not done anything about them, so I decieded to put it into the shop. I decieded to ride it down to the shop, to get her moving again and remember the things that needed attention along the way.
I know the battery is pretty naffed, has been since I got it, and I can not get a battery tender to where the bike is parked with out long extention cables exposed to the weather. So I usually just roll start it down the hill out the front of my house, ride around, battery lasts a couple of days.
So I pushed it up the hill, choke on, turned the key, put it into second gear and let her roll.... bit of a sputter, but wouldnt run. Back upto the top of the hill, with all my gear on, key on, in gear, away we go. Nothing. Do it again, nothing. Alot of swearing, huffing and puffing, decided stuff it ill jump start it off the car, let it crank untill it wants to go. walk up the hill, get the car, park it up, hook up the cables, do my usual check before I start..... I didnt turn the petcock to prime.... DUMB ASS. Turn it to prime, turn the key, push the button, away she goes.
Clearly 2 months is to long. Ill just jump start it next time, now I have decent jumper leads.
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