Definately take it to the shop. Having only had it for two days there is no way that you messed up anything, unless you went piddling around with the carb which I doubt.
It's almost certainly a carb issue. I'd leave cleaning the carb up the shop, if they're honest, that is.
There are a couple of things that you can do without running the risk of messing anything up.
First, make sure that the air filter is clean and that the opening isn't clogged up with something. It's under the left hand side cover. Also, just take a look up under the tank and make sure that all of the little rubber hoses that you can see are attached to something at both ends. Finally, there is a little "S" hose that sits right above the sprocket cover, also on the left side. Make sure that it is in good shape and runs from the crankcase to a little spout on the air filter housing (that's the hard plastic box that the air filter sits in."
You won't have to take anything apart and you'll also learn a little about the bike while you're doing it.
Keep us posted.