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Old 06-29-2012, 02:09 PM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alpine, Utah
Posts: 3
Re: Cost of oil change

I'm not sure how much it would cost in my area but I do know it is much cheaper to do it yourself. The suzi takes just over 1 quart of motorcycle oil to make it happy. I went ahead a bough 3 quarts of oil and two oil filters. That ran me about $50 if I remember correctly and probably would've been even cheaper if I bought it online. Then I just simply changed the oil and filter. It is VERY VERY easy to do, especially if you have a service manual or whatever. Took me probably like 30ish minutes the first time and I'm 16. I found that if you cut a 1 gallon milk jug in half it makes for a perfect oil catcher :cool: make sure you have some newspaper or something (I used blood tarp things from the hospital that I got from my sister who works there that worked like a charm :lol: ) down underneath the bike because, chances are you will spill oil somewhere during the process :tongue: Good Luck!
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