Thanks again for the replies!
Sadly (or stupidly) I didn't take the time to check what kind of battery I have. But will get to it!
Here's the story so far:
Rode the bike back-and-forth to work (18 miles each way) yesterday, no problem. Started it up this morning just fine. But knowing that I needed gas and it's a very short ride to the station, I intentionally drove it around the neighborhood for about 5 or 6 minutes. I even stopped off to look at a CBR somebody had for sale in their front yard. And by "stopped", I mean, I put the bike in neutral, parked it while it was running, walked in their yard and looked at the CBR for about 30 seconds, then went back to my bike. Put the kickstand up and put it in 1st and it died!!!
Ugh. I figured keeping it running and in neutral would keep me from having an issue. I tried bump starting it. No luck after 3 attempts (guess I'm still kind of new to this bump starting thing). On a whim, I put it back in neutral to see if it would start and IT DID! :popcorn:
I rode it 3 blocks to the gas station. Shut if off. Filled it up. Went to start it. Nothing. This time, however, I did manage to bump start it on the second try and rode it 18 miles into the office with no problem at that point.
So, that's the status so far. :??: