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Old 06-26-2012, 04:45 PM   #3
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 305
Re: Well, it's not the battery...

Thanks for the reply!

My normal usage for the bike is to-and-from work. 18 miles each way at 60-65mph. I do this anywhere from 3 to 5 times a week. It doesn't seem to take a long-time to warm-up, no. But this is the first bike I've ever owned, so I don't have anything to compare it to. I don't let it idle a lot. I start it, it warms up, and then I ride it about a minute after starting it. It does not cut out randomly or die while idling. Actually, I take that back. Once it did die while idling (and, coincidentally enough, was also about 10 hours after it had died on me on a short trip earlier that morning), but I made a random assumption that I had the idle adjustment too low. When I increased the idle that evening, the problem of it dying at idle (which, again, only happened once) seemed to go away.

However, the "short trip" issue seems kind of random. It can happen on an evening that I rode it back-and-forth to work earlier that day. Or it can happen on a day that I haven't ridden the bike for 3 days prior.

I made a somewhat similar post (tagging it onto an already existing discussion) and someone here recommended cleaning the killswitch. But the exterior of the killswitch was already clean and when I opened it up it was perfectly clean inside as well. So I don't think it's a killswitch issue.

I am not certain I have the right battery for this bike, no. I bought the bike used off of Craigslist. I'll take a look and see what I have.
1982 Suzuki GS450 Bobber (SOLD)
2000 Suzuki GZ250 (SOLD)
1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 800A (Present Ride)

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