My 2000 GZ seems to not want to start after a very short ride (i.e. less than 5 minutes or about 1 mile). Like if I take it for a quick ride to the grocery store. Or even if I go get fuel in the morning before riding into work. I've had to bump start it 3 times in the past month or so. Longer rides have no problem. It definitely seems to be a short ride thing.
I took the battery in to Batteries Plus and they said the battery was perfect. So, I guess it's something else. One of the times it happened, I increased the idle speed and that seemed to take care of the problem for a while, but then I was getting worried about having the idle speed too high, so I lowered it a bit again (not like a low rumble, I realize this little bike revs high normally, but I don't have a means to measure the RPMs).
Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
And any recommendation on how I can properly measure the RPMs since I tinkered with the idle speed adjustment already once? Right now, I only have my ears to measure RPMs. :skeptical:
Thanks in advance.