Thread: Temperatures
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Old 06-24-2012, 08:55 PM   #14
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Temperatures

I can relate somewhat to the high humidity/ high temps you are having. In 2007 I was in Tenn and N.C. for the July 4th weekend. Crap was that an eye opener. Riding a rented KLR 650 with a cooling fan constantly blowing hot air made for an experience not to be repeated.
Oddly enough my Vstrom never blows hot air at me even when the temps get way up there. Once I get my vented gear just right a ride can be very pleasant. It can get high in humidity here but not nearly as nasty as that hot weekend. Might have something to do with the proximity to the Pacific Ocean and salt air.
I know most folks here might consider me a little bit of a safety nut but I certaintly can't find much fault with anyone trying to avoid heat stroke. You do what you gotta do. Just try to stay upright and in control.
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