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Old 06-22-2012, 09:30 AM   #28
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Re: At the mechanics shop

Originally Posted by PimpS
Hmmm... I'm getting strange feelings now. SO, if the rectifier isn't the case nor battery, what else could it be?
Load tester? Does load tester measure amperes or watts? What should load tester show, how many of the units (amperes or Watts or something else...?)?
I'll try and explain simply. A load tester is a piece of equipment that has a voltmeter, and a built in, switchable load (usually a resistor) The battery is taken off the bike so that the battery, and only the battery, is tested. The operator connects the terminals to the battery, and reads the voltage. He then switches the resistive load on, for a given time, then checks the voltage again. That way, knowing the size (ampere hours) of the battery, he can tell if it's good or not.

One step at a time....have the battery checked first, then let us know. If your mechanic hasn't got a load tester (and I don't think he has) you may have to search around, maybe a big workshop that services cars, and sells batteries. But this is DEFINITELY the first step.
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