Originally Posted by Patrick
Hello all. I recently acquired a gz250. I ordered a used gas tank off of ebay to replace the one that was on there since it was in bad shape. I thought the tank I ordered was the same but there is one difference. There is one less place to attach a hose. I read no mention of this hose in the manual and am wondering if it is something that is on California bikes that aren't on all others? Will my bike be okay if I just attach the two hoses at the petcock and pretend the third doesn't exist? I can't really tell where the hose leads. Thanks for your time.

That nipple looks to be the overfill vent feed . I think the GZ's have a drain pipe that goes through the tank in the event you splash some fuel around the tank fill. Run a hose from that nipple down through the frame and pointing down at the road. Look under your fill cap and see if you see a hole and a internal tube.