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Old 06-21-2012, 11:57 AM   #6
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Posts: 475
Re: At the mechanics shop

Got my santa barbara today: after work i decided to visit my friend at the river, about 1 hour beautiful ride. Came home, pack things up and off i go. After 15 km my GZ went dead. Before that, i was overtaking 2 cars and in between gz gave me a sudden push (like i would shift down) and back to normal, full throttle. After 2 km in the crossroad, it just went dead, i mean totally dead, no light in neutral, nada...
After a while the neutral light start to blink when the key was turned on.
I called the mechanic from yesterday and he told me what to try (check battery, fuse...) came to me in half an hour, we started the bike with the plug and went to his shop. In the shop he discovered that electric regulator or something went down and we ordered new one... 190 €... Geeez, i didn't complicate and i ordered it, i get it in 5-10 days... I'm sad, but happy that it went dead now, not in 3 weeks time when i'm off to the sea side (276 km in one way)... I hope that from now on everything will be just about maintenance
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