Thread: smoking pipes
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Old 06-20-2012, 12:08 PM   #5
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Re: smoking pipes

when there is an oil burning issue (smoke) the best thing is to wash the area using the car washing detergents and clean it up good. if there is already oil burnt on some area (gooey that is sticky also) use kerosene oil with bruch to clean the oil and then wash. That will give you and clean slate to start with.

in the picture the joint is not marked. are you talking about the one that is closer. start he bike and when its hot see of the smoke is like fumes like a drop of oil burns on a hot plate then probably it is old oil but it should not last very long. Just as you start the bike (when the exhaust is not hot) rev up the engine and bring your hand close to the joint and try to feel any air around the joint.

GZ does not smoke and you should not SEE smoke from that part of joint just FEEL it, OR you piston and rings are bad.
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