Originally Posted by DieHardBigRaw
I just realized that the Run button was mentioned, is that the RED KILL SWITCH? If so then I always flip that back down after I use it to turn the bike off, then turn the key to OFF and I then flip the red button back to its original position so its ready to start the next day. Is that what my problem is? If so I feel like a big IDIOT.
Yes, the red kill switch. If that's what you are doing, it is not the problem. But why do that when you can just turn off the ignition key? In fact, my owners manual recommends NOT using the kill switch (Honda Shadow) so as not to inadvertantly leave the ignition on and drain the battery through the lights.
I know others have mentioned not leaving the key in PARK, but make sure by walking around behind the bike to be sure the taillight is off.
If all that doesn't help, I would take it to the shop. (I know others here do a lot of their own work, but I would rather spend some $ to have a pro do the work rather than screw up someting I know little about.)