Originally Posted by bpdchief
Oh come on guys... specifics????
I have done the 16t sprocket. And all are correct 1st is weak. Falters as in it reaches that point where the prudent "in no rush" rider is shifting anyway - approx. same throttle position for each gear and it acts starved for gas... but, if you twist just a hair it picks back up and takes off. Hit it like you just realized there's a truck behind you and there is no hesitation.
Maybe at 75 mpg and easy riding I should quit nit picking and just enjoy it.
It sounds like you're just hitting the flatline between what the gear can do and how much air and gas you are pouring into the engine. If you were to do this for each gear, you'll find that flat spot will be at different speeds, but it's essentially the same thing.
If you are really concerned about it and think maybe we are all nuts and don't understand what you're saying, I would check your vacuum hoses for possible aging and give the air filter a once over. But other than that, I think it's just that "dead spot" that exists on any vehicle in all gears, but at different speeds and throttle positions.