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Old 05-07-2012, 10:13 PM   #31
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 203
Re: 16T vs 15T sprockets

This thread is all over the place.. we have people stating that the 16t sprocket will give them more " torque in lower gears" There is no way that can be. The stock 15 T sprocket is going deliver more torque in any gear. Some are saying it is great for high speed and others say is is great for everything but. The issue I suppose everyone is trying to solve is the relatively short 1st gear range making transition from "stop to second" a little busy. The 16 tooth sprocket would certainly smooth out the operation by streatching out the gears but if it is too tall for overdrive than I just dont see the point. I do find 1st gear to be a bit short but it is nice to have tht extra torque when starting off up hill. Some one stated that they are considering starting off in second. By accident I have attemptd that more than once and it does not work very well. I usually end up rolling off to the side and stopping to try and find first gear. I have few hills here of any concequence and the mean elevation is about 23-25 ft. I am a heavy guy, weighing in between 240 and 250lbs though I am working on getting down to 200 lbs. Now, that said, I will tell you that I have been getting around 75 mpg and have had the bike up to 70 mph before backing off the throttle. I have been driving in the city last couple of days and more agressively so my mileage has dropped off to 66 mpg on the last 160 miles. Aside from possibly having a little taller first gear I just cant see the benefit of going to a 16 t sprocket. Sounds like we could use a two speed final drive.

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