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Old 05-03-2012, 10:29 AM   #2
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Re: How many miles till the engines dies

There isn't a set number of miles.

I mean, it all depends on the type of miles the bike produced.... Interstate or stop-n-go?
What kind of terrain? Hilly or flat?
What kind of maintenance? Strict or occasional?

Just like with a car, no two responses are ever going to be the same.

Under extreme conditions, small engines aren't going to last very long. You can prolong that life with good care and maintenance. But everything breaks down over time.

Also, when exactly a rebuild is needed is going to vary by person. If you're a stickler for clearances and things, then you'll do a rebuild much earlier than a guy who rides his leaking bike and keeps pouring in a quart of oil every single day just to keep it on the road.

It might be 25,000.... It might be 50,000.... It might 100,000. If you never did any maintenance at all, it could be as little as 8,000. Who know?
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