Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
That and a good quality pour-in cleaner, as Easy suggested, is a good place to start.
Go to an auto parts store. Ask for carb cleaner. This does NOT mean injector cleaner or multi-purpose cleaner. Original Gumout or Berrymans B12 are good. Follow the instructions on the can for how many ounces per gallon to use. Your tank holds ~3 gal.
Do not overlook, however, the other likely causes.
You need to inspect the air filter for dirt and proper installation (not loose or cocked).
Also the air box that the filter mounts into. The connection going back to the carb must be tight; no air leaks.....and that includes the drain tube. The plug for the end of that must be in place.
Also the exhaust pipes, where connected to the engine, mostly, but there shouldn't be any leaks.