Thread: Close call.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:10 AM   #1
Rookie Rider
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Location: Queens, NYC
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Close call.

The other day i was riding along having fun all by myself as usual. A guy in a car infront of me was driving so slow for blocks on a one way street. It was driving me insane and i became impatient, (not good to get impatient on a bike). So, im following behind him slowly as i see him pull to the left side of the rode as if he was going to double park. He didnt put a signal on, just pulled to the left at a slower speed, so i thought here is my chance. I gave it more throttle when i had good room to pass him on his right. NOW, i always look thru the windows of a car infront of me to see up ahead, for some reason this time i didnt. So, i give more throttle and start to go around him and , HOLY SHIT A DOUBLE PARKED CAR. i breaked and swerved a bit. The car was about 15 ft infront of me that i almost rammed. Scared the shit out of me it came up so fast. So i learned not to be impatient on my bike, not a good thing.

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