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Old 04-07-2012, 03:52 AM   #29
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 58
Re: First ride on new GZ 250.

If you read back to what I said, it says "I currently dont have insurance", it does not say "Im never getting insurance".
where do you think I got that quote from ? looking up the prices to insure my newly warranted bike, which upto now, hasnt had a warrant, therefore was not insurable. as well as in the last 6/7 months of owning the bike its been out of the garage about 8 times, sitting for the last 3 months.
And being, upto recently, under 25y/o it has actually been alot more expensive, as well as being on learners licence. That quote is for a full licence.
And then theres the financial restrictions. You may say "you cant afford NOT to be insured" but if the money simply isnt there to pay it, then how are you suppose to pay it. When it comes to food/roof or insurance, its a no brainer. Now I am not running at a loss again, it makes thing alot easier.

I agree with the compulary insurance because it will make it alot easier for 'uninsurable' people to get insurance. Like disquilified drivers, or under 25s, or learners. And it _should_(hopefully) be incorperated in Registration costs. Not saying I am going to wait untill I am forced to.

I do stand by my statement that insurance is a scam, but again, that statement does not say "I am never getting insurance." It may be a small cost to pay, _if_ the unspeakable happens, but over 20/30 years its a major cost for something that _hasnt_ happened.
Thats my opinion, you can believe differently, its your right. Dont read too far into things people say on forums, its hard to get the full jist of the statements.

Now we have succefully hijacked this thread to a debate about insurance, I sugest if you wish to continue this debate you start another thread.
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