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Old 04-05-2012, 06:35 PM   #26
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 58
Re: First ride on new GZ 250.

Originally Posted by alantf
I don't like that one bit!!!!!! So if someone runs into you, writes your bike/car off, and breaks every bone in your body, they can just say "Sorry I've no cash or assets, so it's your tough luck" Similarly if you hit somebody can you afford to pay for repairs to their vehicle plus any damages awarded to them, or will you just say "tough luck pal". In my opinion, you must have the stupedest government in the world for not making it compulsary, and the stupedest drivers/riders for not getting insurance. :??: If this makes you think, then good, because I'm talking about YOUR stupidity. I'm not usually this blunt, but in this case I think my bluntness is well earned. :cuss:
Everyones entitled to their own opinion, but it pays to know all the facts before you call someone 'stupid'

I agree, I would love to see compulsary third party insurance but thats for the govt to sort out. I would say it wont be too far away.
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