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Old 06-04-2008, 06:31 PM   #4
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Be careful, WD-40 has a bad habit of gumming up an ignition or any other lock.

Go get a little tube of graphite powder (cheap and pretty easy to find near the key dept) and just squirt a little bit into the keyhole. Then work the key around a bit. As far as bar-locking, like Easy Rider just said, finding the sweet-spot might take a couple of tries. Mine stops fully to lock, but the key doesn't really have to be pressed in at all. I think each bike is its own animal.

You might have to check some documentation/manual for the bar-lock mechanism and make sure there isn't an obstruction or a wire being crimped, preventing it from stopping fully either.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.
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