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Old 03-12-2012, 08:51 AM   #20
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Re: admore LEDs to Whitney trunk

Originally Posted by greenhorn
COOL DUDS Jonathan!! May I ask where you got the led strips from and did they come with everything you needed to install in the whitney handle? Oh please say "yes".

And do you mean that all one has to do to increase brightness of the standard bulb for the break light ( nothing else... just go buy another bulb, take the old one out, put the new one in) is to replace it with " 2397 bulb" that you can get at any auto store? Again... please say "yes". And is the the exact bulb I need to buy? ... fier=16870

Blaine answered your question about the bulbs.
The LED strips were just direct ordered from China via Ebay.

I got two of these: ... 500wt_1139

They way these are made, you can actually cut them anywhere along the strip and it won't ruin the circuit. Use the trailing wires that come with the kit, extend them a bit with some of your own wire and just link them into the brake light wiring, which is pretty easy to do once you figure out which wire is which. I used two flixible strips and faced them towards each other, as you can see in the video. The tape holding them in place undernearth the red plastic lense on the top case is reflective double sided tape. It should be available at Lowe's, Home Depot, and maybe even Wal-Mart if you're lucky.

The brake line is the white wire with a black stripe. If you want just running lights, then you needs to tap into the brown line.
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