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Old 06-03-2008, 02:06 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: southeast VA
Posts: 171
Look what I spotted today!

I was walking in to town today to grab some sushi, and look what passed by me!

Picture taken at the intersection of Prices Fork and Tom's Creek in Blacksburg, VA. Is this a member here?.....if so then good for you, you're one of the few riders I've seen wearing anything more than a helmet around the area.....get some boots though :tongue: This is the first GZ250 I've spotted in town, so I was very happy to see it. I see lots of honda rebels and ninja 250's, and even spotted a couple Eliminator 125's (I love those bikes) don't know why the GZ seems to be scarce.
Ride safe
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

~By a route obscure and lonely,
haunted by ill angels only~

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