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Old 03-10-2012, 09:46 AM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 85
Re: admore LEDs to Whitney trunk

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
How's is good in all respects except for the almost continuous rain. Humbug I say. Yesterday was dry but there were pressing must do's that didn't allow a ride. The must do involved a clean bill of health for Lynda so she can quit worrying now.
:2tup: This is for a clean bill of health for Linda. And this is kind of a mix of I'm sorry about the rain but I'm really glad Linda is ok.... M oh. And if it makes you feel any better, I haven't been out riding since November. We have had a very, very mild minter here ( 2nd mildest in history) but unfortunately we have a looooooong driveway and so even if the temps are near ridable ( +40? in my book) I can't get out. Now TODAY it is supposed to get up to 60? so I'm hoping the driveway will melt off.

BUT I can't complain..... even if I get on the road before May 1st it will be a first.


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