Hello from northern Virginia! I'm a new rider, and my fantastic 2003 Gz250 is my first bike.

I picked a great time of year to learn how to ride, huh? (shiver) I've wanted to learn how to ride since I was probably 15 or 16, and I guess at 20 I just couldn't wait any longer, so I took the MSF course this November, and got my bike a little over a week ago! Don't worry, I don't plan to try riding over ice or snow or anything! I've just been taking it up and down the neighborhood street and going in slow little circles while I get used to him (which as some of you already know, I definitely need to practice on :whistle: ), but as soon as I feel comfortable with it, I can't wait to hit the 'real' road! (The cars on the road my neighborhood opens onto go by at 50+, so this may be a while...)
Well anyway, that's my life's story. :roll: Nice to meet everybody!