Thank you all for your quick responses (and the warm welcome

I guess I'll try charging it in the bike, then. I've looked over the instructions, and I just have one more question before I go out there:
Originally Posted by Instructions
4. For negative ground systems, connect the positive (red) alligator clip, or ring terminal to the positive battery post. Then connect the negative (black) alligator clip, or ring terminal to the vehicle chassis. Do not make the negative charger clip or ring connection to the carburetor, fuel lines, or thin, sheet metal parts. Make that connection to the engine block or a heavy gauge metal part of the frame.
So, all I'm doing is, not unplugging or altering anything with the battery as it is, just attaching the positive clip to the positive post and the negative to the chassis? Would one of the fins on the engine be a good place to clip it?
Although I'd downloaded the owner's manual a little while ago, I'd somehow forgotten to grab the service manual as well! Thanks for the tip, I'll go download that now. (I've also ordered printed versions off ebay, but it will be a while until they get here.) Thanks!
I did pass the MSF course about 5 weeks ago, and as you said it was definitely a good time and everyone was very nice!

I only recently got my own bike, and have only had about a week practicing on it, and although dropping my bike is probably not the best indication of this, I know for a fact the things I learned there were invaluable. Because of the class I know why I dropped it, it really was just a dumb mistake to make, but at least I know what I really need to practice on! I'll be sure to check the book out as well, thank you!