Thread: Windshield
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Old 05-24-2008, 10:34 AM   #5
Easy Rider
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Champaign, Illinois
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Originally Posted by Meanguy
I may get her a full size windshield, she wants one bad.
I just replaced a small shield with one of these yesterday:

I'll try to post some pics. later today.

I like it fine but, alas, it's still not perfect for me.
It works great, with no helmet.
The top of the shield is somewhere near nose level.
That position deflects the wind to about my hairline.....above 30 mph or so.
I thought I had it made........until I tried it with my new helmet.
Rats, same problem as before.
The wind rushing over the top of the helmet creates a rumbling sound that I find MOST annoying.

Planning to go to the Springfield Mile tomorrow.....if the weather holds out. 70 miles each way. That should be enough of a test to decide if I need to screw with it any more or not.

I think raising the whole thing up about 2 inches would solve the problem but just getting it mounted was a bear and I don't think there is any practical way to get it up any more. Virtually no room to change the angle either. SIGH! :sad:

PS Only a fool tries to mount a windshield by himself....(raises hand)! You really need another set of hands just to hold things in place while you tighten the bolts.

PPS My problem might be more helmet than shield. I would definitely recommend the Santa Cruz to anybody UNDER 5'6" because the wind should miss the helmet completely.
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