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Old 11-07-2011, 01:28 PM   #233
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Florida Keys
Posts: 16
Re: Install a 16 Tooth Front Sprocket

I took a whole half on hour out of my very busy beer drinking schedule to do the sprocket swap today. It was a very easy job thanks to the fellow who did the "how to" at the beginning of this thread (jonathan180iq), and the only specialty tools were the big socket and a $19 torque bar, the old fashioned "how far will the needle go" kind.

Adjusted the chain slack (1/3") and took it for a ride down US1.

I like this mod! This is my wife's ride, her first bike, but I have put some miles on it just to get a feel for it. Now after the mod I can see and tell you that I think this is a good idea for anyone who plans to ride these bikes on anything other than short city jaunts. I can't say that there is any measurable difference, but the engine just seems to labour less, squeal less at 55MPH and higher. First gear is now more somewhat usable rather than simply a place keeper below the usable gears.

All in all, I suggest this mod for all on these bikes. I am impressed and wonder why Suzuki didn't put a 16t sprocket on these bikes to begin with.

Nothing was lost, but a more "civilized" ride was gained, for lack of a better term.

Thanks guys...

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