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Old 11-04-2011, 10:22 AM   #84
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Re: Start Up Problem

Originally Posted by longumd
Sorry I'm not fully understand how to “hold the plug against the engine”....
After removing the spark plug & re-attaching the plug lead to the end of the plug..........Hold the plug by the insulated lead, or the insulated (white porcelain) part of the plug, & touch the threaded part, firmly, to the top of the engine, somewhere where you can see the central electrode, as this is where you need to see if there's a spark or not. Keep holding it, firmly pressed (to get a good ground) while someone turns on the ignition, & in neutral, with the clutch pulled in, presses the starter. If the spark is ok you'll see it jump across from the central electrode to the inside wall of the plug.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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