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Old 10-29-2011, 02:08 AM   #51
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Gibraltar
Posts: 39
Re: Start Up Problem

Not to confuse you or anything, Im sure all the technical advise youre getting is good, but have you tried bumping it? Its not a long term solution but should at least get your bike running.

I had trouble with mine a while back there were days i could start it with the starter and there were days when it was almost as if the battery wasnt there... then there were the days when i got really cheesed off because it started fine in the morning and got me to work without any problems then 8 hours later it refused to budge.

In any case when ever I couldnt start the bike electronically shifting it into second gear, holding in the clutch and running a few meters with it then jumping on releasing the clutch and revving the throttle a bit got me home again.

Ive had no problems getting my bike to start since doing the following:

1. Changed battery
2. Cleaned connections inside start switch casing
3. Changed spark plug
4. Cleaned Carb
Of all the things Ive lost, I miss my 535 the most!

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