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Old 10-28-2011, 10:40 PM   #50
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Re: Start Up Problem

Originally Posted by alantf
(...there's only one cable coming from the starter) Can you take a deep breath & rephrase it? :2tup:
Oh, that means - the ground connection of the starter is the frame. And now of course I had to go into the cold garage (near freezing tonight, tomorrow there will be 10 to 15 cm of snow...) to check things out.

So the connections are (chances of a bad connection in parentheses)
1) +12V (red cable) at battery (pretty high)
2) +12V (red cable) at starter relay (low, well protected by the cap on the relay)
3+4) 20A fuse connections in the starter relay (low, take fuse out, put it back in and you should be good to go)
4) starter motor cable (black) at the starter relay (low, protected by cap)
5) starter motor cable at the starter, under the rubber cap (could be corroded)
6) connections of starter motor to engine (two of them, should be good)
7) connections of engine to frame (should be OK as well)
8) connection of black battery cable at frame (unknown, probably OK)
9) connection of black battery cable at battery (unknown)

If you have a multimeter, that would help. For instance, you could measure the resistance between the starter motor body and the black (0V) pole (the lead itself) of the battery. That should be near zero ohms, in which case no.s 6 through 9 are eliminated.
2005 "Saturn Black", stock + tach
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