Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Seems to me that Viirin will need a lawyer to sort this out properly.
On a side note. The BCIT(British Columbia Insurance Corp.) has an official way of doing things. Both parties are automatically at fault. If I am legally and properly stopped at a red light or stop sign and get hit I am 25% at fault automatically. Their reasoning: If I wasn't there I won't have been hit. I was there to be part of an accident obviously and should be penalized accordingly. BCIT is the only game in B.C. You must have it.
To a certain extent that is the way the American car insurance business works also. I could be sitting at a red light perfectly still, and a drunk driver could purposely swerve over and hit me because he doesn't like blue cars, and my insurance rate will still go up simply because I was "involved" in an accident, even though my "involvement" only consisted of me occupying the space that he drove through, its bulls@#t but it is the way it is. And trust me WW, it doesn't matter if you have other insurance company options or not, as all of ours here in the States are essentially in collusion with each other anyways, so having other insurance companies to "chose" from if you think you are treated unfairly doesn't mean squat.