Thread: Howdy....
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Old 05-13-2008, 06:09 PM   #3
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Same here on the oil companies, every time I use the bike instead of the cage to go to work I save one (1) entire gallon for posterity, thereby effectively reducing the @#!@ profit of the @?#@ oil companies - It's crazy, exxon 10 billion profit for the quarter, that's like 40 dollar per american - considering how many people never get exxon, go figure how many hundreds of dollars each exxon client bleeds every quarter to fatten up those profits - same deal for the other companies. What would our forefathers do, confronted with too high a burden from the powers that be ?... Enough ranting.

Congratulations !!! and welcome to the exclusive club of proud GZ250 owners.
2005 "Saturn Black", stock + tach

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