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Old 09-14-2011, 01:46 PM   #2
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Re: Battery Life when Unused

Again, make sure when you turn it off, it is in the lock position of the key switch, and not all the way over to PARK, which leaves on the rear lights and will drain a battery pretty quickly.
If you get a trickle charger or battery tender, put on the leads connected directly to the battery so all you have to do is plug the charger on. Leave them hanging down somewhere where you can reach them easily - much easier than opening up the bike each time you want to charge the battery.

How old is that battery? A good one left sitting idle should easily last 2 or more weeks without being charged.
You should charge it completely (12.6-12.8 V measured a half hour after taking off the charger) and then get it load tested to see if it's any good, and put a voltmeter on your battery terminals or the charger plug and measure the voltage with the bike a fast idle, at least 2500-3000 rpm and make sure your charging system is working. You should read 13,8-14V.
Lastly, if you can't bump-start the bike, you can jump it with cables from a NON-RUNNING car and start it.
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