Thread: 8000 miles
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Old 08-28-2011, 09:48 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Hoopeston, IL
Posts: 38
Re: 8000 miles

I have 2 of them. They perform fine for me. A little harder to get on and off because of the extra ground clearance. You can turn a lot shorter with them. Probably due to the fork angle. They seem to balance better at slow speed. I actually get a little better mpg with them.

They are a fun and unique bike especially the back tire.

The seat is a lot better on the 250.

I ride the gz more because of all the short trips, as it is easier to get on and off. Sometimes, I might only go 100 yards to go across the road where I work part time. I can run home for lunch in 20 seconds.

I have one for Illinois, and one for Arizona. They are like the gz just a fun little bike that can be handled easy. For long rides I take the 1600 Nomad.

Going to the Farm Progress Show about 100 miles away. I am taking the TW because if I have to ride in fields, it is great for that.
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